Below are examples of some of the screens you will see when using SPLServer. This does not include every step
necessary to create and/or edit an SPL. You should request a full demonstration to see all of the capabilities of
this software service.
When you navigate via the "Add/Edit Product Information" menu item, you can create or edit a product as shown below.
Some of the functions include selecting the Product Form, the Route Of Administration (or adding additional) and
completing the Marketing Information.
After adding a product, you can then Add/Edit ingredients for that product. You do not have to know the proper
ingredient name or code. Using our search screen, as shown below, will allow you to begin typing a name or partial
name, and it will return a list of best matches for you to choose from. Once selected, you will be given the proper
active moieties to choose from as well as a list of synonyms that might help if you need to search again.
Upon selecting the proper ingredient and active moiety, you can then add any inactive ingredients and set their
proper strengths as shown below.
Once the product, it's ingredients and form information have been entered, you can enter packaging information as
shown below.
The product list screen will show packaging information and allow you to modify or create multi-level packaging by
putting a package within a package.