Import SPL Directly From The National Library of Medicine (NLM)

Below are examples of some of the screens you will see when using SPLServer. This does not include every step necessary to create and/or edit an SPL. You should request a full demonstration to see all of the capabilities of this software service.

You can easily import any SPL document available on the FDA DailyMed website. Simply choose the "Import SPL from DailyMed" button.

Here, you will have the ability to choose which document group the SPL should be imported into from a dropdown list. Depending on which option you choose from the search type dropdown list, you simply enter either a valid NDC product code that is listed within the desired SPL, the Application Number associated with that SPL, or the SPL's setid to find the document. You then press "Load SPL" and your document will be automatically imported into your selected group.